Modello anatomico di mascella 4015T
di seno nasaledi dentiper chirurgia

modello anatomico di mascella
modello anatomico di mascella
modello anatomico di mascella
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Parte del corpo
di mascella, di seno nasale, di denti
per chirurgia, per estrazione dentale
in poliuretano


Product made of polyurethane (material very similar to human natural bone type 2). Transversal cut of skull. - COMPOSITION Maxila with a few teeth. - FEATURES - Maxilla with maxillary sinus with flexible membrane, ATM, zygomatic, auricular and occipital, with teeth: 11, 12, 14, 18, 24,26 and 27. Recent extraction with defect in the buccal bone plate in the region of the tooth 13. In area of ​​teeth 21, 22, 23 and 25 there is bone resorption. - PROCEDURES INDICATED WITH THIS PRODUCT Recent defective extraction of the bone board in the tooth region 13 with the granular tissue inside the alveolus for bio material and membrane placement. Receptor area with bone resorption for block graft placement (removed from the donor or block area) that simulates an extra oral graft, on teeth 21, 22, 23 and 25. Training of the surgical techniques and later demonstration in the office for the patient, if necessary as a sales tool. Side view of the skull with ATM exposure for explanation to student and patient.


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