Modello anatomico osseo 4022
di mandiboladi mascelladi seno nasale

modello anatomico osseo
modello anatomico osseo
modello anatomico osseo
modello anatomico osseo
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Parte del corpo
osseo, di mandibola, di mascella, di seno nasale
per implantologia
didattico, per rialzo del seno nasale
Altre caratteristiche


4022 - PREMOLAR MODEL - ACTIVE Composed of 3 pieces: face, mandible and support. The face and mandible are made of polyurethane, and the face is made up of half of the skull. The maxillary sinus is opened, which makes it possible to insert quail eggs for maxillary sinus lifting training. Used in practical classes, demonstrations and training in surgical techniques. Composed of 3 pieces: face, mandible and support. The face and mandible are made of polyurethane, and the face is made up of half of the skull. The maxillary sinus is opened, which makes it possible to insert quail eggs for maxillary sinus lifting training. The foam that comes with the model protects the egg that will be inserted and the acrylic bases hold the parts for better handling. Used in practical classes, demonstrations and training in surgical techniques. The model also allows: bone graft; single, double and triple implant placement; graft and branch graft removal. It has bone resorption in the region of teeth 22 and 25. The support has been specially developed to facilitate the handling of the model, simulating the patient and can be articulated and tilted forward, back and side. This product comes with a polyurethane block that can be crushed, granulated or sliced for grafting. * Quail eggs are not included with the product.


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* I prezzi non includono tasse, spese di consegna, dazi doganali, né eventuali costi d'installazione o di attivazione. I prezzi vengono proposti a titolo indicativo e possono subire modifiche in base al Paese, al prezzo stesso delle materie prime e al tasso di cambio.