Modello anatomico osseo 4010
di mandiboladi mandibolaper implantologia

modello anatomico osseo
modello anatomico osseo
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Parte del corpo
osseo, di mandibola, di mandibola
per implantologia
ad uso didattico, per craniotomia


4010 - EDENTULOUS MANDIBLE Developed in rigid polyurethane, this jaw is fully edentulous, being more used in basic implant placement courses for the student be able to have contact with a new instrument as well as a new implant system. It can be connected to all face models of our line, can make rehabilitation without vertical height, also widely used for promotion implants for their factories. Developed in rigid polyurethane, this jaw is fully edentulous, being more used in basic implant placement courses for the student be able to have contact with a new instrument as well as a new implant system. It can be connected to all face models of our line (hint 4014, 4015 and 4017), can make rehabilitation without vertical height, also widely used for promotion implants for their factories. Highlight: This is one of the best-selling products of the company due to the great cost benefit, because the implant, engine and drill factories use in large quantities for training and product demonstration. It composes the model cod. 4007.

Altri prodotti Nacional Ossos


* I prezzi non includono tasse, spese di consegna, dazi doganali, né eventuali costi d'installazione o di attivazione. I prezzi vengono proposti a titolo indicativo e possono subire modifiche in base al Paese, al prezzo stesso delle materie prime e al tasso di cambio.