Laser per lesioni pigmentate SmartPICO
per ringiovanimento cutaneoper rimozione di tatuaggiNd:YAG

laser per lesioni pigmentate
laser per lesioni pigmentate
laser per lesioni pigmentate
laser per lesioni pigmentate
laser per lesioni pigmentate
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per lesioni pigmentate, per ringiovanimento cutaneo, per rimozione di tatuaggi
Mezzo attivo
su carrello
Durata degli impulsi
a nanosecondi, a picosecondi
Lunghezza d’onda

532 nm, 1.064 nm


150 kg
(330,69 lb)


SmartPICO Especially Recommended for Photorejuvenation, Toning, Benign Pigmented Lesions, Tattoo Removal and Scar Treatment SmartPICO Maximum Flexibility to Maximize Treatment Efficacy SmartPICO is one of the most flexible system on the market to effectively treat cutaneous imperfections caused by ageing (dyschromias, pigmented lesions, melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and tattoos, with minimal contraindication. Le Chiavi del Successo: 2 wavelegths (532 and 1064 nm) and 4 emission modalities: nanosecond – picosencond – Optipulse and PhotoThermal 13 handpieces with different shape and size (square, round, fractional and DEKA Peel) Perfect Beam Homogeneity for Total Control and Maximum Efficacy (FLAT TOP laser beam) SmartPICO – Smart Rejuvenation SmartPICO pulses generate a pure photoacustic effect which directly targets the cutaneous tissue in the right depth, simultaneously stimulating collagen and leaving the surrounding skin intact. By using less heat SmartPico not only reduces the risk of PIH, but it can actually be used to treat the effects of PIH caused by an inflammatory disorder or even other laser treatments.


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