Tester di portata SRM-3051T
di umiditàCO2di temperatura

tester di portata
tester di portata
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Parametro misurato
di portata, di temperatura, di umidità, di carbonio, CO2
per biologia
Modo di utilizzo
in continuo


Soil respiration measurement is the main way for carbon to return to the atmosphere from terrestrial ecosystem, and it is also the characterization of life activities in soil. Accurate measurement of its release is the key to evaluate the biological process in ecosystem; By monitoring soil respiration and its related parameters, the response of root box soil microorganisms to climate change can be estimated. Soil CO2 flux is affected by many complex physical and biological processes in time and space. Long-term, continuous and accurate measurement of soil carbon flux is of great significance to the study of terrestrial ecosystem carbon flux. The soil respiration meter can simultaneously display the CO2 concentration, soil temperature, photosynthetic effective radiation intensity, flow, air temperature and humidity of the respiration chamber.


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19-21 giu 2024 Miami (USA - Florida)

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    19-21 giu 2024 Miami (USA - Florida) Stand W17

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    Altri prodotti Biobase


    * I prezzi non includono tasse, spese di consegna, dazi doganali, né eventuali costi d'installazione o di attivazione. I prezzi vengono proposti a titolo indicativo e possono subire modifiche in base al Paese, al prezzo stesso delle materie prime e al tasso di cambio.